

France signs deals worth $10 bln with Saudi: French PM

France on Oct. 13 announced a series of deals worth 10 billion euros ($11.4 billion) with Saudi Arabia, during a visit by Prime Minister Manuel Valls.

"France-Saudi Arabia: 10 billion euros in contracts," he wrote in a tweet.

The deals include contracts and letters of intent between the two countries whose economic and political bonds have been strengthening.

Where is homeschooling legal in Europe?

Homeschooling is legal but highly regulated in Europe. It is legal in Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Lusembourg, Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic (until the age of 12 years), Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, San Marino, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Andora and Sweden.

Winged Victory of Samothrace to be brought to Greece – two of them!

The Louvre Museum has agreed to the reproduction of one of its most prized posessions – the Nike of Samothrace (Winged Victory of Samothrace). Two replicas will be made following the initiative of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefect George Pavlidis who stressed the statue’s significance to the cultural heritage of Samothrace.
