Saudi Arabia


President Erdo?an visits Mecca for pilgrimage

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has performed the Umrah pilgrimage by visiting the holy city of Mecca and its Masjid al-Haram in Saudi Arabia.

Erdo?an arrived in Jeddah?s King Abdulaziz International Airport on Feb. 28, where he was welcomed by Governor Bin Macit and Turkish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Yusun Demir.

Turkish President Erdo?an slams Austria's controversial Islam law

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an strongly criticized Austria on Feb 28 for approving a controversial bill that revises the status of Muslims in the European country Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an strongly criticized Austria on Feb. 28 for approving a controversial bill that revises the status of Muslims in the European country.

Between 'the raiders of the lost ark' and 'tomb raider'

Turkey woke up to the week with a surreal story: The Turkish Armed Forces with 39 tanks, 44 armored and 17 other vehicles, 542 soldiers, 19 F16s, two AWACs and two UAVs moved 40 km into Syrian territory, recovered the remains of Süleyman Shah, the supposed grandfather of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, together with 38 soldiers honoring his tomb, and brought them back to Turkey for

Muslim forum on 'terrorism' seeks education reform

A counter-terrorism conference attended by senior Muslim scholars from around the world on Wednesday called for education reform to tackle religious extremism.
Participants at the meeting in the Saudi holy city of Mecca urged Muslim leaders to review the religious messages in education, to achieve a more moderate approach."       
