

Travelling Abroad: What Requirements Enter into Force as of 1 June

With the beginning of June comes the season of holidays and long days on the beach.

Monitoring the current situation and plans for loosening anti-epidemic measures in each country is not an easy task.

If you are about to travel for vacation, see what new rules take effect in some of the tourist destinations popular among Bulgarians.


Slovenian, Portuguese German presidents stress importance of European idea

Brdo pri Kranju – Slovenian President Borut Pahor and his German and Portuguese counterparts, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, highlighted the importance of Europe’s unity and the European idea as they held a meeting in Slovenia on Sunday.

Mass anti-government protest calls for early election

Ljubljana – Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Ljubljana on Friday protesting against the government’s actions and calling for an early election. The rally included various groups and movements and was supported by trade unions and part of the opposition. PM Janez Janša said spreading Covid-19 with unregistered mass rallies was a crime.

Another attempt to dismiss Speaker Zorčič fails

Ljubljana – Igor Zorčič remains speaker as only 45 MPs voted to dismiss him in a secret ballot Friday, one short of the needed majority, just like in the first attempt on 30 March after he quit the coalition Modern Centre Party (SMC). Two ballots were invalid while no MP voted against as the centre-left opposition and unaffiliated MPs obstructed the vote.

European chief prosecutor concerned over govt decision

Brussels – European Chief Prosecutor Laura Kövesi has reacted to the government’s decision to annul the procedure to appoint Slovenia’s two European delegated prosecutors by saying the Slovenian authorities’ lack of sincere cooperation seriously undermines the trust in the effective functioning of the management and control systems for EU funds in Slovenia.

Justice minister resigns as govt annuls delegated prosecutor procedure

Ljubljana – Justice Minister Lilijana Kozlovič has handed her resignation, the Justice Ministry confirmed for the STA. The reason is the government’s decision to annul the procedure to appoint Slovenia’s two European delegated prosecutors and to publish a new call for applications, which Kozlovič sees no justified grounds for.

Vrtovec discusses cross-border infrastructural projects with Austrian minister

Ljubljana/Vienna – Infrastructure Minister Jernej Vrtovec met his Austrian counterpart Leonore Gewessler in Vienna on Thursday to discuss bilateral cooperation, especially in transport and infrastructure, and bilateral relations. They agreed cooperation should be strengthened in infrastructure.
