

Turkish PM Davuto?lu holds hasty meeting with Central Bank head on return from New York

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has held meetings with the chiefs of key monetary and financial institutions, including the Central Bank governor, shortly after returning from New York where he had sought to assure investors spooked by President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an?s recent tirades against the Central Bank.

Venizelos won't be called to give evidence in Papaconstantinou trial

Former Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos will not give evidence at the trial of his predecessor Giorgos Papaconstantinou, it was decided on Thursday.

Papaconstantinou is being tried in a special court for allegedly doctoring the Lagarde list of Greeks with deposits in Switzerland.

Ex-SDOE chief Diotis says he received altered Lagarde list

The former head of the Financial Crime Squad (SDOE), Yiannis Diotis, on Wednesday denied any wrongdoing in the handling of the Lagarde list and insisted that the memory stick he was given containing the names of Greeks with deposits in Switzerland had been tampered with before he got his hands on it.

Number of Russian tourists visiting Antalya decreases 41 percent

The number of Russian tourists visiting Turkey's Mediterranean province of Antalya decreased by 41 percent in the first two months of the year, much higher than the overall decrease in visitors to the province of 2.9 percent, according to data from the Association of Mediterranean Tourism and Hoteliers of Turkey (AKTOB).

Netanyahu takes fight against Obama's Iran plan to Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu goes to Capitol Hill on March 3 for another round in an increasingly heated battle with the White House over Iran's nuclear ambitions.
In a landmark speech to Congress, Netanyahu will seek to mobilise lawmakers to oppose an emerging deal with Tehran which is backed by President Barack Obama.        
