Budget Office

Parliamentary Budget Office – 2022 fiscal adjustment at 9.6 billion euros

The draft budget report 2022 presents marginal changes in relation to the draft, according to the Budget Office of the Parliament.

"The estimated growth rate of this year has increased to 6.9% (compared to 6.1% in the Preliminary Plan), while the forecast for 2022 has remained unchanged at 4.5%," it said.

Another warning for the gov't on the economy

In its annual report delivered to House Speaker Nikos Voutsis on Friday, the Parliamentary Budget Office issued a clear warning to the government that the economy needs its help if it is to recover.

"Unless uncertainty regarding the course of future policy is eliminated and the governance rules change, the economy will not recover," the report states.

Bailout review delay to carry great cost, say Parliament's analysts

The financial cost of the delays in the bailout review procedures could turn out to be greater that the possible benefits - that may also prove temporary - of a final agreement on the adjustment program, according to the quarterly report by the Parliament's Budget Office that was released on Friday.