civil society

Gov’t says it stands by same-sex marriage pledge even after opposition from the Church

Greece's center-right government said Thursday it would fulfill a commitment to legalize same-sex marriage, sidestepping staunch opposition from the country's influential Orthodox Church.

The legislation would be brought to parliament during the house's current term, which ends in 2027, said government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis.

“TRT World Forum 2023” Continues

The 7th edition of the TRT World Forum, one of the largest and most high-profile forums in the media sector worldwide, is currently underway under the theme "Thriving Together: Responsibilities, Actions and Solutions". The first day of TRT World Forum 2023 featured in-depth discussions on central issues and the forum continues with engaging discussions and insights on its second day.

Putin fired a test shot; Who is the next target?

It is a statement Putin made during the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights organized by the Kremlin, which focused on Latvia's policy regarding the Russian-speaking minority.
Newsweek states that Latvia is one of three NATO and European Union members that share a border with mainland Russia.

WWF launches project for disaster-resistant homes in Malatya

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Türkiye has initiated a disaster recovery project in Malatya, one of the provinces severely impacted by the devastating February earthquakes.

The "Restorative Village" project, aligned with WWF Türkiye's "green recovery" call, aims to establish earthquake-resistant homes that are "harmonious with nature."
