
FM blasts Netanyahu supporters

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Thursday condemned those applauding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the U.S. Congress, branding them as endorsers of a "bloody criminal."

Those who applauded Netanyahu have gone down in history as supporters of "bloody criminal," marking complete collapse of moral standards witnessed by all humanity, Fidan said on X.

US targets Turkey’s nuclear ties to Russia

Andrea Stricker, a research fellow and deputy director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies' Nonproliferation and Biodefense Program, joins Thanos Davelis to look into the latest reports that the US and Turkey are reportedly discussing the possibility of US companies building nuclear reactors in Turkey, and break down how legislation in Congress targeting Russia's Rosatom could complica

Mitsotakis: Meeting with Erdogan at the NATO Summit is locked in for tomorrow – A series of contacts today in Congress

The meeting, expected to be brief, was not originally on the leaders’ agendas due to their busy schedules. The primary focus will be to review recent developments in Greek-Turkish relations.

Defiant Biden throws down gauntlet to Democrats

President Joe Biden insisted again Monday he would not quit the U.S. election race, as the White House denied he had Parkinson's disease following a disastrous debate performance.

The 81-year-old dared Democratic critics to either challenge him at next month's party convention in Chicago or back him against Donald Trump in November's vote.

Mitsotakis at NATO Without a Greek-Turkish Meeting – Agenda and Appointments in Washington

NATO’s 75th Anniversary Summit

NATO will celebrate its 75th anniversary this week with a summit in Washington at a critical geopolitical moment. The ongoing war in Ukraine is not progressing as planned, the Middle East is in turmoil, and the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House seems increasingly plausible following Biden’s poor performance in the CNN debate.

SYRIZA’s signature showdown: unveiling the ’87’ movement, Kasselakis’ response, family dynamics, and online trolls

The internal conflict within SYRIZA continues to escalate, involving MPs, party members, family members, and trolls. Supporters of SYRIZA’s president, Stefanos Kasselakis, are describing recent actions as a “coup.”

Bolivian army leaders arrested after coup attempt

Two Bolivian army leaders were arrested Wednesday after soldiers and tanks took up position in front of government buildings in what President Luis Arce called an attempted coup.

The troops and tanks entered Plaza Murillo, a historic square where the presidency and Congress are situated, in the afternoon, prompting global condemnation of an attack on democracy.
