Department of State

Russia strongly warns US against striking Syrian army

The Russian military on Oct. 6 strongly warned the United States against striking the Syrian army, noting that its air defense weapons in Syria stand ready to fend off any attack.
The statement underlined high tensions between Moscow and Washington after the collapse of a U.S.-Russia-brokered Syria truce and the Syrian army's offensive on Aleppo backed by Russian warplanes.

Hillary has Parkinson’s: True or rumous? (video)

Hillary Clinton is known for shaking her head in approval while listening to someone addressing her. Could a video released during her press conference in Pennsylvania suggest that something else is going on? While listening to a reporter asking a question, Clinton turned to her right and her head can been seen slightly shaking up and down.

US suspends talks with Russia

The United States broke off talks with Russia on Oct. 3 to implement a cease-fire agreement in Syria, accusing Moscow of not living up to its commitments as part of a Sept. 9 deal to halt the violence and deliver humanitarian aid to besieged communities.

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton wanted to kill Julian Assange

BELGRADE - Candidate for the President of the United States Hillary Clinton demanded, when she was the Secretary of State, organization of drone attack on Julian Assange, according to documents published by Wikileaks.

According to "True Pandit", conveyed by Wikileaks, Clinton was under pressure to "silence" Assange after the publication of confidential diplomatic information.

Turkey criticizes US over 'inconsistency and disjointedness' in Middle East

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has slammed the United States for the "inconsistency and disjointedness" of its policies on the Middle East, as one part of the Obama administration continues to insist on allying with Syria's Democratic Union Party (PYD), an organization that Ankara regards as an associate of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).  
