Foreign Policy Committee

Paris invitations incident an unfortunate blunder (Ambassador Mazuru)

AGERPRES correspondent Florentina Peia, reports: Romania's ambassador to France Bogdan Mazuru says an incident involving invitations to President Klaus Iohannis's meeting with the local Romanian community was 'an unfortunate blunder.' On Tuesday, he declared he might be responsible, not guilty about a document attached to email invitations that included offensive comments about the guests.

Bulgarian Parliament Rejects Proposed Limitation of Sanctions on Russia

The Bulgarian Parliament rejected the proposal of the opposition BSP party to discuss the possible limitation of further EU sanctions against Russia on Wednesday.

Last week, the parliament similarly refused to include the discussion of the proposal in its weekly agenda.

Bulgarian MPs Reject Proposal for Limiting Sanctions Against Russia

The Bulgarian Parliament rejected on Wednesday to include the proposal, which calls for limiting the extension of sanctions against Russia, for discussion in its weekly agenda.

The proposal of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) was first rejected by the parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee on January 21, daily Dnevnik reports.

Bulgaria MPs' Appointments to Permanent Committees Get Mixed Reception

Lawmakers in Bulgaria's Parliament set up twelve permanent Committees on Thursday and are to create the remaining ten on Friday, amid controversy over how seats are allocated.

Most party group Chairmen remained ordinary members of committees, with the exception of Bulgarian Democratic Center (BDC)'s Svetlin Tanchev, who is presiding over the committee on European affairs.
