Witness identifies fifth suspect in Golden Dawn trial

An Egyptian national who witnessed an assault on his compatriots in Nikaia, near Piraeus, in 2012, on Friday identified a fifth Golden Dawn member as one of the attackers in the ongoing GD trial into the group's criminal activities.

One of the five GD members implicated in the attack on the Egyptian fishermen is Anastasios Pantazis, the head of the neofascist party's Perama cell.

Egyptian fisherman testifies at Golden Dawn trial over 2012 attack

The trial against members and supporters of Golden Dawn continued on Friday with the testimony of an Egyptian fisherman who was assaulted in June 2012 by GD members.

The victim, Ebarak Abuzeid, told the court, with the help of a translator, that he was still afraid of walking on the streets, four years after the attack.

Tragic mother of slain rapper takes the stand at GD trial

The trial of Golden Dawn MPs continued on Friday with the harrowing testimony of the mother of slain anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas. Magda Fyssa, the mother, took the stand to speak of the last moments of her son who was fatally stabbed by Giorgos Roupakias, a member of the neo-Nazi party.

Golden Dawn trial likely to start in March, before predetention expires

Dozens of members of Greece?s neofascist Golden Dawn including the party?s leader Nikos Michaloliakos (photo) and all GD MPs ? current and former ? are to stand trial, possibly by mid-March, on a string of criminal charges including running a criminal organization, a committee of judges ruled on Wednesday.

Golden Dawn offenses date back to 1996, lawyers say

A document submitted to an Athens court on Tuesday lists dozens of lawsuits and convictions involving members and supporters of neofascist Golden Dawn going back to 1996, indicating that the party’s alleged criminal activity started much earlier than 2008, as suggested by prosecutor Isidoros Doyiakos, who has been handling an investigation into GD.
