Interior Ministry

Interior Ministry Act Changes Pass 2nd Reading in Parliament

A set of changes to Bulgaria's Interior Ministry Act passed second reading in Parliament.

The bill was submitted by the Council of Ministers and it took a period of over six months to be conclusively approved.

During the second-reading procedure, center-right party GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) said it would expect the President to veto the bill.

Bulgaria's Border Police Caught 9 Syrians Hidden in a Van

Bulgaria's border police caught nine Syrians, hidden in a van loaded with yoghurt, which was trying to cross the Danube on the Nikopol ferry, reported the Interior Ministry. 

According to the report, the refrigeration van was driven by a Veliko Turnovo resident and was supposedly taking 100 crates of yoghurt to Romania. 

Belgium's Government Resigns After General Vote

Belgian Prime Minister Elio di Ruppo submitted on Monday the resignation of his cabinet to King Phillippe.

Di Ruppo, whose government will have a caretaker capacity until a new administration is formed, saw his Socialists being defeated by the Flemish nationalist and separatist party at the general polls held alongside European elections Sunday, as BusinessWeek reported.

Bulgarian Border Police Stops Yacht with 32 Illegal Immigrants onboard

Bulgarian border police detained 32 illegal immigrants onboard a motor yacht near the Black Sea resort of Sozopol.

At 4 pm on Sunday, the radars of the integrated maritime surveillance system at the Burgas regional border police directorate detected a motor yacht traveling to the Sozopol port, according to a media statement of the Interior Ministry.

Russian rescuers return to Russia

BELGRADE - The Russian rescuers who provided assistance in the rescue efforts during the floods in Serbia departed from the Belgrade airport Nikola Tesla on Monday.

Russia's Deputy Minister of Emergencies Eduard Chizhikov said that the rescue operation in Serbia had been completed, and he thanked his countrymen on their brave efforts.
