Justice Ministry

Dancila: If a censure motion passes, it means we no longer have majority in Parliament and must leave rule

If the reshuffle doesn't pass, the Government stays in its old form, therefore this doesn't entail the Government change, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Saturday. "If the reshuffle doesn't pass, the Government stays in its old form. Therefore this doesn't entail the change of the Government.

PM Dancila on criteria for Justice Minister’s nomination: Politically independent, well-acquainted with magistrates’ work

Prime Minister and national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila explained the reasons behind the decision to replace Ana Birchall as Justice Minister and appoint Dana Garbovan in her place, stating that she wants the position to be held by somebody who has worked with magistrates and is also politically independent. "Of course I discussed with Mrs.

PM Dancila announces new ministerial picks: Dana Garbovan for Justice, Mihai Fifor for Interior, Iulian Iancu – Deputy PM for economic affairs

Prime Minister and national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila announced on Friday that, according to the decision of the PSD Executive Committee, Ana Birchall will be removed from the helm of the Justice Ministry, to be appointed instead as Deputy PM for the implementation of Romania's strategic partnerships.

Community service suspended as municipalities lack framework to oversee it

The government has suspended the implementation of the measure of community service as alternative punishment, until municipalities develop the structures and framework to allow for it, sources from the Justice Ministry said Wednesday.
The suspension of the measure was included in a draft bill on the reorganization of the public administration, voted on by lawmakers Tuesday.

Moldova Starts Replacing Discredited Constitutional Court Judges

The first two new Constitutional Court judges in Moldova were elected on Thursday by parliament after all six former holders of the posts resigned in June, following accusations by the new government under Maia Sandu that they had repeatedly ruled in favour of the former governing Democratic Party.

PM Dancila: I would like better dialogue between Romania's Gov't and European institutions on CVM

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said that, in respect to the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), she would like a much better dialogue between Romania's Government and the European institutions, pointing out that she had talked with acting European Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans on this topic.

PM Dancila on EC measures to strengthen the rule of law: A correct approach, it applies to all EU member states

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Saturday that the European Commission's proposal to endorse a monitoring mechanism of the rule of law in all the European countries represents "a correct approach," taking into account that it is applied to all member states, not only to Romania and Bulgaria, such as the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (CVM).
