Legal Commission

Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General in front of the Legal Commission: I am Not Afraid, I will Not Allow Myself to be Afraid

Without debate, with 19 votes "for", without a single "against" and "abstentions", the Legal Committee of the Parliament approved in the second reading the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, introducing a mechanism of control over the Prosecutor General.

Summer Season 2020 in Bulgaria is Expected to Launch on July 1st

According to our optimistic forecasts, we expect an active summer season on July 1st. This was stated by the Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova during the discussion of the Health law at the meeting of the Legal Commission.

According to her, it depends on how the infection with the coronavirus goes.

MPs Are Finally Voting on the Changes to the Electoral Code Today

MPs will vote for the changes in the Electoral Code, reported the Bulgarian National Television.

After nearly a 10-hour meeting of the Legal Commission, they rejected the BSP's proposal to elect a new Central Electoral Commission. It was not accepted that the idea in each section would have cameras to convey the online election day.

Electronic Bracelets for Monitoring Criminals will Finally be Introduced from October

In October, the Justice Ministry will finally have electronic bracelets for monitoring, Mediapool reports.

A total of 200 bracelets with GPS surveillance with a precision of 2.5 m, and the remaining 50 aim to control inmates in open spaces.