Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General in front of the Legal Commission: I am Not Afraid, I will Not Allow Myself to be Afraid

Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev (left)

Without debate, with 19 votes "for", without a single "against" and "abstentions", the Legal Committee of the Parliament approved in the second reading the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, introducing a mechanism of control over the Prosecutor General. Earlier, in front of the deputies from the commission, Ivan Geshev assured that he would complete his mandate and announced that the war against the judicial power is destroying institutions and leading to an increase in crime and a return to the mafia times. The meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs continues.

"The Bulgarian Prosecutor's Office is united and will continue to work in the same way, despite political pressure and in the interest of the people and the nation. I am not scared". This was stated by Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev at the beginning of the meeting of the Legal Commission of the National Assembly.

He addressed the people's representatives with the words: "Welcome to the year 96!", and then made an address to them, in which he pointed out that the war against the judiciary and the deliberate destruction of institutions is being done in the interests of organized crime, the mafia and the oligarchy:

"And I, as the chief prosecutor, will complete my mandate and do what I applied for the position. And that is - all those who have committed crimes should go to prison after convictions - entered into force, by the Bulgarian court. Next, what I will say is that I am not afraid and I will not allow myself to be afraid. And the magistrate community is not afraid, believe me."

Geshev also spoke out against the discussed legislative changes:

"And the last thing I will say before I leave - that I will not participate in something...

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