PKK sets fire to north Iraq village, says Defense Ministry

The PKK has blown up ammunition depots in the villages of Dergele and Miska in northern Iraq, the Defense Ministry said on July 3.

"Disregarding the lives of villagers, the terrorists blew up the ammunition depots and completely set fire to the village of Dergele," the ministry said in a written statement.

Senior PKK member neutralized in Iraq's north

Turkish security sources reported on May 13 that a senior PKK member has been neutralized in an operation conducted by the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) in northern Iraq's Gara region.

Sedat Aksu, operating under the codename Şevger Çiya, was reportedly behind orchestrating terrorist activities against security forces in Türkiye, Syria and Iraq, according to the sources.

Turkish forces ‘neutralize’ 32 PKK terrorists in Iraq’s north

The Turkish security forces have "neutralized" 32 terrorists identified as operating on behalf of the PKK terrorist organization in various regions of northern Iraq, the Defense Ministry announced on May 3.

The Turkish forces targeted the terrorists in the Haftanin, Gara, Hakurk and the Operation Claw-Lock zone, the ministry disclosed in a written statement.
