Red Crescent

The door to Aleppo or cemetery?

A Syria crisis-famed bearded "strategy expert" on a TV program was explaining how it was "normal" to have 14 casualties in a war being waged in a city. The expert said fighting a war with drones or armored vehicles was important in undermining the capacity of the enemy but in order to achieve victory, it was necessary to have boots on ground.

Disease and mines rule in Libya's former ISIL bastion

In the district of Al-Giza al-Bahriya in Libya's Sirte, the sea breeze mingles with the stench of corpses decomposing under the rubble.

The coastal neighborhood was the last part of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIL) north African bastion to fall to unity government-allied forces on Dec. 5 after nearly seven months of fighting.
