Social Democratic Party

Schulz hits out at 'arrogant' Merkel

Social Democrat chief Martin Schulz lashed out June 25 at Chancellor Angela Merkel, accusing her of "arrogance" as he sought to reverse his party's plunging popularity.

At a special congress to decide his party's campaign program for Sept. 24 elections, Schulz accused Merkel and her conservative CDU party of "systematically refusing debate on the future of the country."

Romanian PM ousted in no-confidence vote

Romania's prime minister and his government have been ousted in a no-confidence vote submitted by ruling party members.

A total of 241 politicians approved the motion on Wednesday, more than the 233 votes required.

The governing Social Democratic Party filed the motion to oust Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, saying that he had failed to implement the party's political agenda.

Romanian Parliament to Hold No-Confidence Vote

Romania's parliament is set to vote on Wednesday on a no-confidence motion on the government led by the ruling Social Democratic Party, PSD - a motion launched by the PSD itself.

The vote comes after the PSD's failed negotiations with the country's ethnic Hungarian party, the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, UDMR, sparked nationalist reactions from some politicians.

Zaev Unveils New Cabinet in Macedonia

Zoran Zaev revealed the composition of his cabinet late Sunday, which parliament is expected to approved this week. Speaker of Parliament Talat Xhaferi has set the date for the session to start on Tuesday.

The key posts are to be shared between Zaev's Social Democratic Party, SDSM, and Macedonia's main ethnic Albanian party, the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI.

HDZ Loses in Cities, Wins Counties, in Election

Croatia's local elections on Sunday confirmed the strength of the governing centre-right Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, in the counties, but underlined its lack of strength in the major cities of Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek.

The HDZ won in 11 out of Croatia's 20 counties, while its traditional opponent, the opposition Social Democratic Party, SDP, managed to win in only five.
