Sofia Police

Police Exercise Blocks the Area Around the National Palace of Culture

Sofia Police training will block the area around the National Palace of Culture at 20:00 on Thursday, the SDRD announced. Police officers will be evacuating in the event of a fire, as part of their preparations for the upcoming EU presidency, whose main events will be in the Palace of Culture.

Armed Robbery of a Collection Center in Sofia

Three masked and armed men attacked and robbed a collection center in Sofia's Ovcha Kupel 2 quarter on Wednesday night, the SDRD confirmed.

During the attack one of the guards was slightly injured as he was hit in the head. The doctors' teams have given him first aid but have not accepted him for treatment in a hospital.

Shooting at Bus in Sofia Breaks Windows, Nobody Hurt

An unknown perpetrator fired shots at a bus moving along Line 76 in Sofia on Monday, police and media report.

No-one was hurt in the incident, but windows of the bus were broken by the shots.

Police are looking into the hypothesis of hooliganism, Sofia police chief Mladen Marinov has told the Bulgarian National Television.

Increased Security Measures in Front of Diplomatic Missions in Sofia

Increased security measures in front of diplomatic missions and institutions are now in force in Sofia, announced the director of Sofia Police Mladen Marinov, reported Focus Agency.

The measures were introduced after the incident in Berlin on Monday night when a truck hit a Christmas bazaar killing 12 people and injuring tens more.

Over 4,000 Illegal Migrants Detained by Sofia Police in First Eight Months of 2016

Over 4,000 illegal migrants have been detained by Sofia police in the first 8 months of 2016, stated to BNR the Director of Sofia Directorate of Interior Affairs, Mladen Marinov.

Most of the migrants are from Afghanistan. There have been signals of attacks on women by migrants, but these signals have been checked and remain unconfirmed.
