SYRIZA government

Greek anti-establishment protesters occupy buildings, enter Parl't grounds

Anti-establishment protesters occupied several public buildings in Greece and briefly entered the grounds of parliament in Athens on Wednesday, calling for the release of jailed members of a Marxist group.

Around 20 people entered the courtyard of the parliament building in central Syntagma square.

Samaras: 'You're not governing country because your own (MPs) won't let you govern'

Main opposition leader Antonis Samaras shot back from Parliament's podium on Monday evening against the leftist SYRIZA government by charging that "you're not governing the country because your own (MPs) won't let you govern."

He spoke during an extraordinary party leaders' debate convened at the request of PM Alexis Tsipras, who spoke first in a nationally televised address.

Bakoyanni : ND must make leadership change

Top New Democracy cadre and former minister Dora Bakoyanni reiterated on Sunday that the main opposition party must change leadership, a direct criticism of current ND president and previous PM Antonis Samaras.

Speaking during a television program, she said “New Democracy must be re-created from scratch, and re-founded on all levels”.

Samaras: Govt leading country straight to new Memorandum

Former PM and New Democracy president Antonis Samaras on Friday charged that the "SYRIZA government is leading our country straight to a new Memorandum".

He also said ND's priority is the "real economy" and citizens' everyday life".

Samaras spoke during a party meeting focusing on the two-two month course of the SYRIZA -ANEL coalition government.

Greek govt: “will not continue to serve the debt from our own resources, if lenders do not proceed to the disbursement of installments”

A list of reforms will reportedly be the focus of the “Brussel Group” on Friday, according to the leftist SYRIZA government, and following a meeting of PM Alexis Tsipras’ top advisers.
Tsipras’ closest aides mostly focused on the coordination of government actions and legislative initiatives.
