SYRIZA party

SYRIZA condemns the conversion of the Monastery of Chora into mosque

Main opposition SYRIZA party condemned on Tuesday Turkey's decision to formally open a former Byzantine church in Istanbul as a mosque, while it also criticized the government's reaction as too soft. 

"SYRIZA unequivocally condemns the Turkish authoritie's decision for the operation of the Monastery of Chora as Muslim mosque," the party said in a statement. 

Kasselakis confident SYRIZA will win European elections

Opposition leader Stefanos Kasselakis has reaffirmed his belief that his SYRIZA party will secure the top position in the forthcoming European Parliament elections in June.

Recent opinion polls indicate SYRIZA trailing far behind the ruling New Democracy, with just over 15 percent of voting intentions.

Controversy erupts over prosecutor’s recommendation in Kolonos pimping case

A prosecutor's recommendations for the chief suspect in the case of an Athens girl, who was sexually abused and forced into prostitution when she was 12 years old, spurred tension in Parliament on Thursday, as a protest rally was planned to take place in the city center.

SYRIZA decides against inner party elections

The inner party thriller in the main opposition SYRIZA party concluded on Sunday noon, with the Congress deciding not to go to leadership elections. "We are not heading to elections-the masks have fallen," declared the party leader Stefanos Kasselakis. An unprecedented toxic party congress preceded that, marked by crowd uproar and political back-and forth.
