Turkish Defense Ministry

Greek and Turkish top brass to meet in Albania

Top brass from Greece and Turkey will hold a meeting on Friday in Albania as part of confidence-building measures between the two countries, Turkey's Defense Ministry has announced.

The chiefs of the general staffs of the two countries will meet on the sidelines of the 17th Meeting of the Chiefs of the General Staffs of the Balkan Countries.

Turkish threats over marine parks

Tensions with Ankara have resurfaced again after Ankara's objections to Greece's announcement to designate marine parks, including one in the Aegean Sea. 

Ankara's intransigent stance on issues related to the Aegean, as expressed by its ministries of foreign affairs and defense and the ruling AKP party, stem from its long-held theory of "gray zones" in the region.

Clashes in eastern Syria stem from support to YPG: Ministry

The clashes that have recently erupted between the U.S.-backed PKK/YPG forces and Arab tribes in the eastern Syrian province of Deir el-Zour are foreseeable consequences of "some countries" supporting a terrorist organization to fight against the ISIL, the Turkish Defense Ministry has stated.

Zelensky to meet Erdoğan in Istanbul

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky will pay a visit to Türkiye upon the invitation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss the ongoing Russian occupation of Ukraine and its implications, a week before the key NATO summit. It will be Zelensky's first visit to Türkiye since the war began on Feb. 24, 2022.
