Turkish military

Turkish Popstar denied entry into Greece for having Turkish Cyprus visa

Turkish popstar Bengü has been denied entry into a Greek island for having a Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus visa on her passport, the daily Hürriyet reported on its website.

Bengü, 35, was on holiday in Çeşme, a popular location in İzmir, before going to the island of Chios, on the other side of the Aegean Sea.

Hundreds of Kurds enter Syria to fight ISIL as Turkey increases security on Rojava border

Hundreds of Kurdish fighters have entered the predominantly Syrian Kurdish region known as Rojava in recent days to battle jihadists besieging the Kurdish city of Kobane, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdul Rahman said July 14, as the Turkish army beefed up its security on the border.

Turkish A400M carries military equipment in debut international flight

Atlas, a giant A400M carrier plane that the Turkish military acquired from manufacturers Airbus in May, has completed its first international flight, the army said in a written statement July 7.

Atlas carried the Solotürk team, a group of aerobatic display F-16 fighter jets, to London on July 2 and touched down in Luxembourg on its return, the statement read.

Top ex-general Hurşit Tolon freed after release in trial into murders of Christian missionaries

Retired General Hurşit Tolon, one of the most prominent high-ranking army officers facing accusations in several coup cases, has been freed from jail following a June 10 court ruling over the murder of Christian missionaries in April 18, 2007, which became known as the Zirve Publishing House trial.

Erdoğan holds key to Turkey's future, Hillary Clinton writes in memoir

Hillary Clinton's new memoir, “Hard Choices,” which many observers interpret as an unofficial kickoff of her prospective 2016 presidential campaign, dishes out a lot about key world leaders, but Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a special place in the 656-page book published June 10.
