Alexis Tsipras

Draghi urged Greece to allow officials back before it's too late

By Karl Stagno Navarra & Alessandro Speciale

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi told Greek officials they face a critical situation and must let euro-area representatives return to Athens if they are ever going to obtain more aid, according to two European officials.

Greek PM Tsipras would be welcome in Berlin, German government says

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras would be welcome to visit Berlin, a German government spokeswoman said on Monday, but there are no concrete plans for a visit at the moment.

The leftist Greek leader is not currently on Berlin's guest list, said spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz, adding: «He remains welcome in Germany and in Berlin especially."

Handelsblatt: Greece needs third bailout in order to avoid default

Today's Eurogroup meeting is Greece's last chance to avoid default and a possible Grexit, according to certain press reports out of Germany, with one particularly high-pitch article claiming that Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis seeks to "blackmail" the country's European partners by warning of a referendum or snap elections if the latest SYRIZA government plan is not approved.

Varoufakis undermining Greek negotiations, says Mitsotakis

New Democracy?s parliamentary spokesman Kyriakos Mitsotakis has accused Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis of being a danger to Greece.

The Finance Ministry was forced on Sunday to deny a report in Corierre della Serra newspaper that Varoufakis had claimed the government would call a referendum on euro membership if its eurozone partners reject its reform proposals.
