Alexis Tsipras

Tsipras' YouTube channel now with ? German subtitles

Leftist Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' own Youtube channel features videos of most of his addresses not only with English subtitles and sign language, but now with German ones too!

The first video with German subtitles, in fact, was his address in the Greek parliament on Tuesday regarding the sensitive issue of WWII reparations that the Greek government wants from Germany.

A German king, a Greek crown, historic roots of troubled ties

Greece has railed against what it sees as German dominance since the 2010 start of the eurozone financial crisis, but antagonism between the two countries can be traced back to the 19th century.

Historians point to the mid-1800s for spurring resentment in a newly-independent Greece, when a king from the southern German region of Bavaria ascended to the Greek throne.

A shared responsibility

By Costas Iordanidis

Looks like Greece and Germany are at war, for the third time in the space of a century. Or perhaps it?s a hoax. We?ll find out soon enough. Illogically, Athens and Berlin are competing in populism, with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and his Greek counterpart Yanis Varoufakis arguing with each other smugly.

Is the ECB being unfair to Greece?

By Hugo Dixon

Is the European Central being unfair to Greece? The new left-wing government thinks so. It complains that the euro zone?s central bank is meting out tougher treatment than it gave the previous right-wing administration that came into office almost three years ago. This is a potentially toxic accusation.
