Angel Grigorov

Media Turmoil: Russia Expels Bulgarian Correspondent in Retaliation

Tensions between Russia and Bulgaria have further escalated as Russia ordered the correspondent of the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) in Moscow, Angel Grigorov, to leave the country. This move comes in direct response to Bulgaria's decision to expel Alexander Gatsak, a correspondent for the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, labeling him a threat to national security.

A Correspondent from Bulgaria’s National Radio in Moscow was Summoned by the Russian MFA

The only representative of Bulgarian public media in Moscow - BNR correspondent Angel Grigorov, was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This happens hours after the information that the correspondent of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" newspaper Alexander Gatsak has left Bulgaria following the order of the head of the National Security Agency (SANS).