Angela Merkel

Germany Will Be The Biggest Loser in Case of Sanctions against Russia

Germany could be the EU member state to suffer the most from sanctions imposed on Russia.

Data in an article posted on German newspaper Die Welt's website suggests that economic measures against Russia would be dangerous not only for Germany's energy security, but also for its car industry and its retail.

Merkel expected in Athens before Easter

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to pay an official visit to Greece before Easter (April 20), sources have told Kathimerini.

A date for the trip has not yet been set but Merkel is expected to show her support for Greece’s adjustment efforts in the wake of its next bailout tranche being approved at an informal Eurogroup in Athens on April 1.

"NATO opened Pandora's box in Kosovo"

"NATO opened Pandora's box in Kosovo"

BERLIN -- German MP Gregor Gysi said in the country's parliament on Thursday that "NATO and the EU are partially responsible for the current situation in Ukraine."

This is because of the policy they pursued in previous years, the leader of the left-wing political party The Left noted.

EU to Sign Part of Association Agreement with Ukraine Next Week

The political part of EU's Association Agreement in Ukraine will probably be signed next week.

After Wednesday's talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that, "if there are no technical obstacles", signing of some documents regarding the agreement should take place at the upcoming meeting of the European Council, which is next week.

Dacic: I offered Vucic premiership several times

BELGRADE - Ivica Dacic, prime minister in the outgoing Serbian government and leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), has said that he asked First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic several times if he wanted to become prime minister without calling elections but Vucic told him it was not a goal of his.
