Barack Obama

Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris for President

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have officially endorsed Kamala Harris in her run for the US presidency, as announced in a video released on Friday. In the video, Barack Obama expressed his and Michelle's pride in supporting Harris and their commitment to helping her succeed in the upcoming election. The video was shared on the official X profiles of both Barack Obama and Kamala Harris.

The Obamas Announce Their Support for Kamala Harris – Watch the Video of the Call They Made

In a phone call with Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle made their support for the U.S. Vice President known as she seeks the Democratic nomination for the November elections.

In the video, Kamala Harris is seen answering a call and putting it on speakerphone.

BBC immediate analysis: how the attack on Trump changes the data on the US elections

The images of Donald Trump with his fist raised in the air, blood streaming down his face, and the Secret Service swooping down on him to protect him and remove him from the podium where he was speaking at his rally in Pennsylvania are not just making history – they may well change the course of the November presidential election.

A triple stress test for Europe

During the global financial crisis of 2007-9, the US government and the Federal Reserve subjected US banks to a stress test. The idea was to test banks in severe - but hypothetical - recession scenarios in which they would have to show they were adequately capitalized, thereby restoring the confidence of depositors and investors.

Biden's Latest Blunder: Declares Himself 'First Black Woman' in White House!

President Joe Biden made a notable verbal slip during a recent interview on the US Independence Day, mistakenly referring to himself as "the first black woman to serve with a black president," as reported by Britain's Daily Telegraph. This comment followed what the publication described as a string of recent gaffes by the 46th president.

30% of Democrats call for Biden’s withdrawal according to a new poll

One in three Democrats believe President Joe Biden should withdraw from running for a second term, following last week’s disastrous phone call with Donald Trump. However, no Democratic candidate would perform better than Biden in a hypothetical showdown with Trump on November 5, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.
