Effie Achtsioglou

EFKA gets off to problematic start

The new Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) has started operating even though various issues are still outstanding and with deficits that add up to more than 1 billion euros, as the fund that has absorbed all social security funds has not only been bequeathed 4.2 million worker-members and 2.6 million pensioners, but also the problems and the obstacles of the past.

Labor laws pivotal for bailout pact, minister says

In a series of meetings with European officials in Brussels Thursday, Labor Minister Effie Achtsioglou said the Greek government was determined to secure an "in principle political agreement" at Monday's summit of eurozone finance ministers, where Greece's progress in implementing the conditions of its third bailout is to be assessed.

Moscovici to visit Athens Monday, Tuesday

Pierre Moscovici, the European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, was expected to visit Athens on Monday and Tuesday. 
Moscovici's Athens two-day agenda included meetings with Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, Economy Minister Dimitris Papadimitriou and Labor Minister and Social Insurance Minister Effie Achtsioglou.
