Gennady Gatilov

Russia, US in row over coalition strikes on Syrian forces

Russia condemned on May 19 strikes by the U.S.-led coalition against Syrian forces as "unacceptable," state media reported, after the bombing of pro-government troops.  

"Any military actions that lead to a deterioration in the situation in Syria obviously impact the political process," deputy foreign minister Gennady Gatilov was quoted as saying by state-run RIA Novosti in Geneva.

Turkey-Russia and Iran to talks future of Syria in Astana

Turkey, Russia and Iran are set to meet in Astana in the middle of next month to seek a cessation of hostilities in Syria as part of a meeting that is being dubbed as a "confidence-building step complementary to the Geneva process," a Foreign Ministry official told the Hürriyet Daily News on Dec. 23.  

Russia 'Not Hindering' Any of UN Top Job Candidates of Bulgaria

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov has said his country does not reject any UN Secretary General candidate outright and will bar none from running in the race.

Minister Sergey Lavrov has already met with both Both Kristalina Georgieva and Irina Bokova, TASS quotes Gatilov as saying.
