Gjorge Ivanov

FYROM president calls name change deal 'flagrant violation of sovereignty'

The president of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is criticizing top US and EU officials for backing a referendum on changing his country's name.

President Gjorge Ivanov urged his compatriots not to vote on Sunday, calling the name change a "noose" and a "flagrant violation of sovereignty."

Merkel Urges Macedonians to Vote in 'Name' Referendum

German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Macedonians to seize the opportunity for a breakthrough in the country's Euro-Atlantic perspective and take part in the forthcoming September 30 referendum on the "name" agreement with Greece.

"Do not stay at home on September 30, on this historic day," Merkel said at a joint press conference with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

Ahead of Skopje referendum, Trump expresses support for Prespes agreement

US President Donald Trump joined the ranks of international leaders who are supporting the name deal signed by Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the Prespes lake region in June, noting that "it paves the way for Macedonia's membership in both NATO and the EU."

FYROM leaders spar over name deal on national holiday

A national holiday in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia hasn't given the prime minister and president a day off from disagreeing about a deal to rename the country North Macedonia.

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev urged his countrymen on Thursday - the 115th anniversary of a failed rebellion against Ottoman Turkey - to support the agreement with Greece in a Sept. 30 referendum.

Greek minister "ready to bring down govt" over name deal

The head of the right-wing Independent Greeks party has indicated he is prepared to bring down the coalition government over the issue, the AP is reporting.

The agreement reached between Greek and Macedonian prime ministers has been met with opposition and protests in both countries. At the same time, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov is refusing to sign the deal.
