Meral Aksener

Take right to exit

No, it is not your navigator giving you directions while you are driving. It is the way politics are shaping up in the world these days. Most recently, the U.S. and the Netherlands both decided to move a little to the right.

Opposition MHP dissidents launch 'No' campaign in Turkey's referendum

Opposed to Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli's strong support for the government-supported constitutional change shifting Turkey to an executive presidential system, dissident voices within the MHP have launched a "No" campaign at a congress in Ankara on Feb. 18. 

Opposition MHP dissidents to meet Feb 18 after expulsion move by party

Dissidents from the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) have decided to hold a meeting on Feb. 18 in the Nazım Hikmet Congress and Culture Center after the party leadership called for the expulsions of four of its members amid internal rift between party members. 

Expulsions roil MHP as 'base divided' ahead of Turkey's constitutional referendum

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Deputy Chair Semih Yalçın has admitted that the party's base includes people who plan to vote "no" in the upcoming constitutional referendum, as the MHP referred four dissident members to its disciplinary board.
