Meral Aksener

AKP delegation meets İYİ Party's new leader

A ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) delegation, including the party's parliamentary leaders, visited the İYİ (Good) Party's new leader, Müsavat Dervişoğlu, on May 30.

The AKP delegation was led by Abdullah Güler, Özlem Zengin, Bahadır Yenişehirlioğlu, Abdulhamit Gül and Muhammet Emin Akaşoğlu, and included the party's deputy leader, Mustafa Elitaş.

İYİ Party elects Müsavat Dervişoğlu as new chairman

The İYİ (Good) Party has elected Müsavat Dervişoğlu as its new chairman during a party congress held in the wake of recent electoral setback.

Dervişoğlu, who serves as the party's deputy parliamentary leader and represents İzmir in the parliament, emerged victorious in the leadership election with 611 votes.

İYİ Party to convene congress following election setback

İYİ (Good) Party leader Meral Akşener has declared that the party will convene an extraordinary congress in the wake of disappointing results in the recent local elections.

The İYİ Party witnessed a sharp decline in support, plummeting from 7.3 percent of the votes in the 2019 local elections to 3.77 percent this year.

İYİ Party vice-chair joins list of resignations

İYİ (Good) Party lawmaker Cem Karakeçili has announced his resignation from the party, revealing his decision through a post on his social media account.

Karakeçili, who served as the party's vice president and was in charge of local governments and represented Şanlıurfa in the parliament, took to social media to express his grievances on Feb. 26.

İYİ Party unveils election manifesto for local polls

İYİ (Good) Party leader Meral Akşener has revealed her party's election manifesto for the upcoming mayoral polls, marking a clear approach of opting out of any alliances.

The manifesto, released in the capital Ankara, emphasizes issues including addressing irregular migration, combating poverty and initiating urban transformation.

Parliament strips imprisoned TİP lawmaker of seat

The parliament has stripped imprisoned Workers' Party of Türkiye (TİP) lawmaker Can Atalay of his parliamentary status, defying a ruling by the top court last September.

The decision by the Court of Appeals to unseat Atalay, who was elected to the parliament in last May's election while in prison, was read in the parliament on Jan. 30.

Close friend of Erdogan’s becomes his enemy

For more than 40 years, Ali Yesildag and his two brothers had maintained close family and professional ties with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In 2023, however, and while his relationship with both his brothers and the Turkish president had already broken down, he publicly denounced Erdogan - via a YouTube video - for hundreds of millions of dollars in corruption.
