Naci Bostancı

AKP applauds CHP's decision not to take charter change to high court

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) officials have applauded main opposition Republican People's Party's (CHP) decision not to appeal to the Constitutional Court despite their fierce criticism over the constitutional amendment that is set to be voted on in a referendum in April.

No doubt PKK was behind İzmir attack: Justice minister

There is "no doubt" concerning the identity organization that carried out a deadly attack on an İzmir courthouse on Jan. 5, Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ has said, noting that all the obtained information indicated that both the masterminds and the perpetrators of the attack were militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

Turkish Parliament speaker meets parties after punches fly at General Assembly

Parliament Speaker İsmail Kahraman brought together the group deputy chairpersons of all parties at Turkey's parliament on Dec. 13, after fists flew once again at the General Assembly on Dec. 12. 

Along with the heightened tension at parliament meetings, jailed deputies were also on the agenda of the meeting, state-run Anadolu Agency reported. 

'Camera planted in lawmaker's office' stirs debate in Turkish parliament

A deputy from the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has alleged that a camera was planted and then removed from the office of an MHP lawmaker. 

MHP group deputy chairman Erkan Akçay said a camera was planted in the office of the MHP lawmaker from the northwestern province of Kocaeli, Saffet Sancaklı, demanding an investigation into the incident.