Robert Kaplan

How Putin fuses Ukraine and the Middle East

He is the author who opined that "geography is taking revenge" and that "you have to think about war, that's the only way to be prepared." Kathimerini met with the distinguished geopolitical analyst Robert Kaplan, Robert Strausz-Hupe Chair at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), in the "library" of the 9th Delphi Economic Forum after his speech.

Robert Kaplan: ‘All the worst scenarios were averted’ during crisis

Speaking to Kathimerini ahead of his arrival in the country for the Delphi Economic Forum - which started on Thursday and ends on Sunday - Robert Kaplan does not hide his admiration for the resilience of democracy in Greece in the face of great pressure during the crisis.

US Federal Reserve rings alarm about America's soaring debt

The US deficit stands at $20 trillion and will rise to $30 trillion in a decade. That should be a reason for concern, according to the US Fed.

"I believe the Federal Reserve should be gradually and patiently raising the federal funds rate during 2018," Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Robert Kaplan said on Wednesday.