
On January 1 Bulgarians Celebrate Saint Basil's Day

On January 1, Bulgaria's Orthodox Church celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord. Circumcision is an Old Testament sacrament that began at the beginning of the second millennium before Christ. It was introduced by the forefather Abraham as a sign of the covenant between God and God's chosen people, but it also appears as a type of Holy Baptism.

Sarajevo Siege: The Long, Desperate Wait for News of the Missing

"He was a nice and gentle soul. I think he was the best father ever," Djulepa recalled. "He fulfilled all the wishes that he could fulfil for me and my sister."

According to Djulepa, two drunken men came and seized her father on August 2, 1992, saying that they were taking him for questioning.

Six-Point Referendum on Political System to be Held in Bulgaria

A referendum featuring six questions on the political system will be held in Bulgaria after it was established that the required number of signatures have been collected.

The petition was initiated by one of the most popular TV shows in Bulgaria - Slavi's show and managed to gather 673 481 signatures in favour of holding the six-point referendum.