Yannis Dragasakis

Alert: Govt to table proposal to creditors in Parliament; Initial ‘ok’ by creditors

The government will table its latest “11th hour” proposal to creditors in Parliament on Thursday evening. The proposal is written in English and will be submitted in all of one article!

Moreover, according to reports out of Athens and Brussels, creditors have already provided the first “ok” after receiving the signed copies of Athens’ proposals for the latest bailout package.

ELA certain only until Tues. – Deutsche Bank: No program extension past July 1

A teleconference between the BoG and the ECB is ongoing, after just after noon (10.00 GMT). According to sources, once the teleconference is complete, a new conference between central bankers and BoG Gov. Yannis Stournaras will take place. During the conference, crucial decisions will be made.

It's 'Armageddon' was how one govt source described IMF counter-proposal

“It’s not a (counter) proposal, it’s Armageddon; they sent it to us at 5 in the morning”, was the response by a high-ranking but unnamed Greek government spokesman to reported demands for a higher (23 percent) VAT rate on most goods as a well as an end to practically all early retirement schemes in the country.

Greek gov’t “envoys” visit Brussels seeking solution

The government may be denying that there was an ultimatum from lenders for a quick and convincing answer on Athens’ part on their agreement proposals, but evidence shows that things are tending to take on a downwards, ever-speeding spiral, which in turn requires delicate and lightning-fast handling by the Greek government in order to avoid an uncontrollable crisis.
