
Entire New Orleans Left without Power after Hurricane Ida Strikes US, One Fatality Reported

Hurricane Ida blasted ashore Sunday as one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the U.S., knocking out power to all of New Orleans, blowing roofs off buildings and reversing the flow of the Mississippi River as it rushed from the Louisiana coast into one of the nation's most important industrial corridors.

NASA test of mega Moon rocket engines cut short

NASA conducted a test firing of the engines for its giant Space Launch System (SLS) lunar rocket on Jan. 16 but they shut down earlier than planned, the space agency said.

The "hot-fire" test at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi was supposed to last a little over eight minutes - the time the engines would burn in flight - but they shut down just over a minute into the burn.

Plane carrying Iran scientist jailed in US has taken off: Zarif

Iran's foreign minister said on June 2 that a plane had taken off from arch-foe the United States carrying scientist Sirous Asgari after his apparent release from a U.S. prison.

"Good news, a plane carrying Dr. Sirous Asgari has taken off from America. Congratulations to his wife and family," Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote in a post on his Instagram account.

Alligator who survived Berlin WWII bombing dies

An alligator who survived a bombing raid on the Berlin zoo in 1943 and found himself east of the iron curtain after World War II has died of old age at 84, the Moscow Zoo said.

Saturn's demise marked the "end of an era", the zoo said in a statement on May 23, and 84 was "a respectable age" for a Mississippi alligator, a species that rarely makes it past 50 in the wild.

At least six dead as tornadoes hit Mississippi

At least six people were killed when tornadoes ripped through Mississippi on April 12, officials said, prompting the southern US state to declare an emergency.    

The tornadoes caused "catastrophic" damage, according to U.S. media, and prompted the National Weather Service to issue its highest level of tornado alert.    
