North Dakota

ND leader aims to expand party base

Conservative New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and cadres in the opposition party's leadership, are planning to make overtures across the political spectrum aimed at expanding the party's traditional base of supporters, Kathimerini understands.

The initiative will reach the "pro-European center-left," associates of Mitsotakis have told Kathimerini.

Government puts off granting right to vote to Greeks overseas

The government on Friday effectively rejected a proposal by conservative New Democracy to amend voting laws so that Greeks living overseas can participate in general elections. 

Interior Minister Panos Skourletis submitted an amendment to Parliament calling for a committee to be formed that is to examine the issue within the next six months. 

Kammenos reiterates call for enhanced majority approval for name deal

The leader of the junior coalition partner Independent Greeks (ANEL) reiterated his intention to seek an increased majority for the approval the name deal with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and hit out at New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis and vice president Costis Hatzidakis for their criticism of comments made by European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pi

Old foreign ministry documents to stoke debate before Parl't vote

A parliamentary debate on a no-confidence motion against the government, lodged by conservative New Democracy, is likely to become even more acrimonious on Saturday as Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias is expected to submit documents revealing how previous governments handled the Macedonia name talks over the years. 

ND solidifies 10-point lead over leftist SYRIZA in poll

Conservative New Democracy retains a 10 percentage point lead over leftist SYRIZA, according to the findings of a new opinion poll carried out the firm Pulse for Skai Television.

The survey found that if elections were held now 31.5 percent of respondents would vote for ND compared to 21.5 percent for leftist SYRIZA, which shares power with the right-wing Independent Greeks (ANEL).
