3D modeling

Patient Receives a 3D Printed Rib for the First Time in Bulgaria

35-year-old Ivaylo Josifov was an active, healthy individual who thought he only had a case of tonsillitis when he went to the doctor recently. A chest X-ray, however, showed that he had a growth in the area of his fifth right rib. It was a congenital disease that could lead to the weakening of the chest and issues like difficulty breathing.

Jay Leno Raced a 3D Printed Car Through the Streets of L.A.!

The famous showman and TV star is well known for being a big car lover. In an episode of the TV series Jay Leno's Garage he hosts Kevin Czinger, who shows his 700 horsepower "most 3D printed" car ever made - Blade. One single episode of the show - a huge step for the 3D printing in automotive industry.  

Four for 2015

It is that time of the year when everybody lists trends. I should not miss this opportunity to write about the future either. Out of all of the lists that I read, I think the most accurate is Gartner's. They have listed top 10 technologies for 2015, but I believe these four are the real game changers.

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