Farage’s UKIP Set to Win EU Elections – Poll

UKIP leader, MEP Nigel Farage. Photo by EPA/BGNES

The anti-immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP) is favored to win the most votes in the European Elections according to a poll of YouGov agency.

Nigel Farage's UKIP leads with 29%, followed by the Labour Party 26% and the Conservative Party of PM David Cameron with 23%, according to the survey for The Sun, published on Sunday.

UKIP has been running on populist slogans and promising to restrict immigration, mainly from Bulgaria and Romania. At the beginning of the year, Farage stated that the EU elections in May will be "a quasi-referendum on EU membership".

The survey also asked people to identify their opinion on allegations that UKIP is a racist party. The figures were quite evenly split, with 27% expressing views that the party is indeed racist, while 26% responded that it is not. A further 35% believe that Farage's party is not racist, but appeals to voters with more extreme views.

UKIP holds 9 seats in the current European Parliament.

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