Abnormal psychology

Former sex victim allowed to end her life by euthanasia

Doctors in the Netherlands allowed a former victim of child sex abuse to end her life because she could not live with her mental suffering.

The woman, who was in her twenties, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder that was resistant to treatment after being sexually abused for more than 10 years, as Daily Mail reports.

‘Orthorexia’ a sneaky eating disorder

The inundation of healthy diet advice on the internet has definitely raised awareness on the benefits of consuming nutritional and natural foods to people’s lives, especially in a society where a sedentary life style is prevalent. However, there is a danger when going too far with the obsession of ‘eating healthy’, and it is called ‘orthorexia nervosa’. It is a term coined by Dr.

Forget Prozac or Viagra… Scientists find that churchgoing is the best way to be happy!

Researchers found that people who join religious organizations have better mental health than those who don’t. In fact, a four-year study by the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands monitored 9,000 people aged over 50 across Europe found that a session at church was more beneficial than taking part in sport or charity work.

Foreign Affairs: ''Sofia Gives Moscow Some Attitude"

"What Sofia appears to finally understand is that dependence on Russia is not a viable development model and Russia's aggression in Ukraine is a direct security threat," Dariusz Kalan writes in the Foreign Affairs magazine. 

Not just the governing conservative elite, but also the Bulgarians seem to be sharing this belief, the author says in the article, which you can read here.
