Aerial warfare

30 Turkish violations of the Greek airspace by 2 spy planes!


Turkey continues its provocations against Greece. Today, 12 Turkish airplanes -eight F-16, two F-4 and two CN-235 electronic warfare aiplanes- flew over the northeastern, the central and the southeastern Aegean Sea.

The two CN-235 proceeded to 30 violations of Greek airspace and in three cases the interception by the Greek fighter jets evolved into dogfights.

The Japanese Armed Forces Demanded a Record Defense Budget

The Japanese defense ministry has asked for a record high budget for 2018 to improve Japan's defense against the growing threat from North Korea, the Associated Press and the France press reported.

The request is for 5,255 billion yen (about USD 48 billion or EUR 40 billion), which means an increase of 2.54 percent. The budget for the past year was 5,125 billion yen.
