American people of German descent

Ethics and rules of engagement on social media

Thanks to Donald Trump, social media users in the U.S. are starting to feel the heat that Turkish users have been feeling for many years. The most powerful man in the U.S. and his team are using Twitter for smear campaigns along with disseminating "alternative facts."  Turkish authorities have been doing that for a long time and many of them run troll accounts.

Trump's immigration policy and the world

Donald Trump's move to ban immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries has triggered a fight in US courts and provoked angry protests in many US cities. But the arguments over its legal and moral merits won't change many minds. The new president's supporters and critics are already motivated and mobilized. Few are neutral on Trump or this policy.

Majority of Greeks want to stop immigration from Muslim-majority countries, survey shows

A majority of Greeks want to stop immigration from Muslim-majority countries, a survey has found.

The Chatham House study, conducted before US President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning immigration to the US from seven predominantly Muslim countries, found that 58 percent of Greeks favored a ban.

‘FYROM not a country – sorry’: Skopje furious after US Congressman suggests partitioning

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of “Macedonia” has expressed its outrage to the US State Department after Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher suggested it was not a country, and should be partitioned by neighbors such as Kosovo and Bulgaria.
