Anarchism in the United States

Liberal scholar Noam Chomsky condemns Antifa


Liberal scholar and progressive icon Noam Chomsky has some harsh words for the violent alt-left group Antifa and the mainstream Democrats who support them.

“As for Antifa, it’s a minuscule fringe of the Left, just as its predecessors were,” Chomsky told the Washington Examiner on Thursday. “It’s a major gift to the Right, including the militant Right, who are exuberant.”

Petition to label Antifa as a terrorist organization hits 100K signatures

A petition that called on President Trump to label Antifa as a criminal organization has hit the 100,000 signatures required to receive a response from the White House.

The petition was launched last week on Thursday, August 17, and in just three days, hit the target of 100,000 responses needed for the White House to give a formal response.
