Animal dance

Honey Prices Go Up by 20% in Bulgaria

Price of honey in Bulgaria has gone up by 20% because of the high mortality rate of honeybees, which reaches 60% and even 100% this year. According to beekeepers, about a third of the products on the market do not have the necessary qualities because they are mixed with Ukrainian and Chinese honey, reported the Bulgarian National Television. 

One million bees killed by unidentified suspects who covered beehive entrances with soil in Turkey's Manisa

One million bees have been killed in the Aegean province of Manisa after unidentified suspects covered the entrances of beehives with soil on July 29.

The incident occurred in Manisa's Saruhanlı district.

Zafer Şahin, the owner of the beehives, replaced 122 beehives, which had been carrying 10 thousand bees per hive, one month ago in the neighborhood of Lütfiye.