
Vucic: One not satisfied with salary in public sector, should start working in private sector

Future Prime Minister about economic measures Vucic: One not satisfied with salary in public sector, should start working in private sector

Aleksandar Vucic said to expect resistance in public sector after announcement about cutting of pays by 10 to 15 percent, but he also said that nothing would prevent him from carrying out reforms.

Violence Errupts at Protest Against Austerity Measures in Brussels

Thousands of people took the streets of Brussels in a protest against austerity measures, organized by the European Trade Union Confederation, Friday.

The police used water cannon and pepper spray on protesters who had thrown oranges and stones at the officers during the demonstration demanding a better deal for Europe's working men and women.

Police clash with anti-austerity protesters in Brussels

Police clash with anti-austerity protesters in Brussels

BRUSSELS -- Tens of thousands of people from across Europe gathered in Brussels on Friday to demonstrate against austerity measures.

Several clashes with the police occurred during the day.

Photos posted on Twitter show that the police used water cannons against the protesters.

Greece Will Be Granted EUR 6.3 B by End-April, Says Eurogroup

The Eurozone will assign to Greece EUR 6.3 B that are part of its second bailout package, the Eurogroup's chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem announced Tuesday.

In Athens, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund agreed to unlock one of the last tranches Greece will get to save its debt-ridden economy.

Police bans public gatherings in central Athens during visit of EU finance ministers

The police has banned public gatherings in central Athens from 6 a.m. until 11 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, when the European Union’s finance ministers will be in the Greek capital for an informal Eurogroup and then an ECOFIN meeting.
