Aviation law

Delayed airline passengers in Turkey able to receive more than 7 mln liras per day

Airline passengers in Turkey will be entitled to compensation when their flight is canceled or delayed by more than three hours, according to a newly launched website, ucakgecikmeleri.com. On average, it is estimated that airline passengers in Turkey are able to claim over 7 million Turkish Liras on a daily basis, equaling more than 2.5 billion liras a year, it said.

Know your rights: 500K passengers don’t bother to claim rightful compensation each year

More than 10,000 flights are delayed for more than three hours a day each year, entitling passengers to compensation according to EU rules. Nonetheless, more than 500,000 passengers fail to claim compensation for their delays either due to ignorance or negligence.

Here are some fascinating facts worth knowing if you plan to fly in Europe:
