
Bond issue on track this week

 Despite more relaxed official statements, the Finance Ministry is gearing up for return to the markets

By Sotiris Nikas

Athens will issue its first bonds in four years later this week and will only sell them to foreign investors, sources have suggested.

New bond issue planned for end-April

 Timing will depend on the spread between Greek and Portuguese yields

By Sotiris Nikas

The government is moving ahead with its plan for emancipation from its international creditors through the issue of new sovereign debt, with the Finance Ministry speeding up its efforts so that the bonds can be successfully issued at the end of April.

Greek bonds fall as FinMin says no return to money markets before Euro polls

Greek bonds fell on Wednesday as Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras (photo) said that while the country is almost ready to return to international financial markets, it is unlikely to do so before European parliamentary elections in May.

Greece’s 10-year yield climbed nine basis points to 6.83 percent.

Court rules 2012 bond haircut legal and warranted

Photo from a March 2013 protest by bondholders.

The Council of State, the country’s highest administrative court, on Friday rejected an appeal by Greek bondholders seeking compensation for having to accept a severe haircut on the value of their investments in the debt restructuring that took place in March 2012.
