Bulgaria in World War II

Today marks 80 years since the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews

March 2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews in the old borders of the Kingdom of Bulgaria from the Nazi death camps. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Exarch Stefan, Patriarch Kirill, public figures, individual politicians such as Dimitar Peshev, the protests of our civil society had an active role in it.

Bulgaria Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, March 10

On March 10, Bulgaria marks the "Day of the Holocaust and Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews" and honors the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the victims of crimes against humanity. March 10 was designated as the Holocaust Remembrance Day by decision № 105 of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers of February 19, 2003. 

Bulgaria's PM Borisov Met with Representatives of American Jewish Organisations

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov held a meeting with representatives of American Jewish organizations in New York, where he is on a visit for the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly and heads the Bulgarian delegation, the press office of the Council of Ministers said o0n 27th of September.