Bulgaria's PM Borisov Met with Representatives of American Jewish Organisations

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov held a meeting with representatives of American Jewish organizations in New York, where he is on a visit for the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly and heads the Bulgarian delegation, the press office of the Council of Ministers said o0n 27th of September. The prime minister stressed that the Bulgarian and Jewish people are strongly connected and with the years they have built friendship, which is a good condition for international cooperation.

"We are grateful to the Jewish community, which has contributed and supported Bulgaria in the years of transition to democracy, in the process of Bulgaria's accession to NATO and the EU, and to deepen the bilateral dialogue with the United States," Prime Minister Borisov said.

The Prime Minister added that Bulgaria would greatly appreciate the support and assistance of American Jewish communities before the Congress and the US administration for achieving full visa reciprocity with the United States.

"This year, we mark the 75th anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews during the Second World War." In 1943, only Bulgaria did not send more than 50,000 of its Jewish citizens to the Nazi concentration camps," said Prime Minister Borisov.

The Bulgarian Prime Minister recalled that at the beginning of the month in Tel Aviv, together with Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, opened a monument - a symbol of the Bulgarian contribution to the rescue of Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust, and stressed that this was a succession of acts of affirmation of friendship and mutual support between the two countries.

"Today the second and third generation of Bulgarian Jews are the bridge of friendship and support that make our relations unique and cordial,"...

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